Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mihimihi By Maya

We have been learning how to say our Mihi in Room 15!
Watch me say mine!

Ko   Adrian    toku   Matua.

Ko  Kate   toku  Whaea.

Ko  Mr Barker  toku  Tumuaki.

Ko  Bryan  toku  Kaiako.

Ko  Rose  toku  Kuia.

Ko  Maya  toku  ingoa.

No  Wellington  ahau.

By Maya


  1. Hi Maya,

    Wow you have learnt this mini really quickly! I also learnt that Rose is your grandmother? Come and tell me if I am right!

    From Kate

  2. Hi Maya -

    I loved your mihi. I love how you name your whanau and also you always like to say you are from Wellington! Your pronunciation of reo is sounding good.

    :-) Mum

  3. Hi Maya

    That's a great mihi! Thank you for telling everyone about your whanau, and for being careful to say your mihi so clearly.

    From Dad

  4. Wow Maya,

    You must be doing really great mini!


    By Shaan
