Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Helava's Post on Wednesday, 23 September 2015

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Hi my name is Helava and I'm going to talk about my writing with Team Alison . I did it all about how to draw a tabby cats . Alison's Group -  Siena ,William and me worked very hard to sound out words, write neatly and straight.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Library and Kyla

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Every Monday we go to the library and get some books out for the week. At the moment am reading - Roald Dahl - The Twist - at the moment am on the first chapter and its quiet funny,there is a line that reads .... I will get you for this shouted Mrs Twit (that is her name)....she was purple with rage and slashing Nom nom air ... If you want to read more you can get it out not just at our library but a local one near you. Reading is fun and I love it .by Kyla the crazy book girl!!!!!!

Getting A Puppy!!!

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21/9/15 Yesterday I went to see a puppy, her name was Elsa. Mum liked her so much that she decided to take her to the next level... The next level is getting the council to come and inspect our property to see if our house is dog friendly on thursday! The day before we are getting a new fence made to keep the puppy in the property.

Art with DI - Maxwell and Don Binney

Every Friday my class goes to art class - we work really hard and I loved Di teaching me about tone and colour. I worked hard to finish my work. I like the different tones in my sky and hills. It is up on my class wall and I think it looks cool.

By Maxwell 

Passion Project By Rita And Siena

Passion Project has started in our class - it is about being in charge of our own learning. We have decided to focus on keeping primary school friends. This project is about having good relationships  at school.  You may think that this is easy.....BUT IT IS NOT - So we are creating a project to give ideas about being a good friend.
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Splish,  Splash splish .......... " RITAAAAAAA you got the paint in the wrong place again "sigh This week we started passion projects. We did ours on keeping primary school friends. This is what we have done so far. By Rita and Siena (who are good friends that work on it every day)

Don Binney and Dusty

One day a week our class goes to art lessons. We are currently making mask and it is fun but still hard work.  The last project we did  with Di was painting - our inspiration was Don Binney, he was into birds landscape. Our best part was learning about the different tones in colour. Check out our efforts.

By Dusty

By Dusty

The claws kids - by Barnaby and Jake

Every Friday we go to art with Di and once we made The claws kids and they have ice,snow and candy powers.The one on the right is Jakes, and on the left is Barnaby's.                                                                                                                                    They like to go down chimneys and put the peasants in early especially the one on the right and that's why we love The claws kids.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Red Panda - By Zoe

Red Pandas are so cute. I thought that sharing some information with our audience may help keep the Red Pands safe for longer. By Zoe 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I Am Luka - Hello from Room 3

We have done lots of work in term 3 and it now time to share - Am just doing a hello test  - So hello all and get ready for our learning journey.