Monday, June 29, 2015

Wind power and debate by Jaime, Siena & Frank

Wind power is good and bad.

There is a debate about if wind power is good or bad.

Some people think that wind power is bad for the environment and some people think it saves natural resources.

Wind turbines use steel which uses up natural resources but other ways cause pollution  so people argue about it.

New Zealand is a ideal place for wind turbines because it is in the roaring forties. 

Much of New Zealand lies in the middle of the best spot for wind turbines.

Some people think wind turbines block views some people think it adds to the view what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamie, Siena and Frank,
    Amazing description about wind power and I think wind power is bad because it can kill flying animals.
    from your class leader Cassie
