Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Model By Oliver

 This first  picture is showing my model hope you enjoy the pitures and my wee story.
 This picture shows the hydro dam and the transmisson tower.

This shows a great model!:)
This is the top of the hill with wind turbines and a dam

This is my house  and a trasformer

I am very proud of my model
 you can come in to room 15 to see it.

The Process:

Step 1 - The wind turnbine or Hydro dam generators the electricity.  The big turbines make the electricity.

Step 2 - The Power Station is where the electricity is made.  It then travels to a special tower called the Transmission tower.

Step 3 - It then travels along the powerlines then to a transformer and then to a fuse box in your house.

Step 4 - ....and WA-LA you have electiricty in your house.

By O L I V E R ^_^ 

1 comment:

  1. Oliver, those were some great pictures of your model.

    Was it hard to do?

    Who helped you with your model making?

    From Matthew and Shaan
