Monday, October 14, 2013

Whales By Imogen

  1. The blue whale is the world's largest animal.
  2. Cetacean is the scientific name for whales.
  3. Like other mammals whales breathe using their lungs.  This means coming to the surface to take fresh air.  Most whales can stay under water for half an hour before needing a breathe.
  4. Hump back whales are known as baleen whales as they have no teeth.  Baleen are stiff, hairy sheets that hang in rosa from their top jaws.
  5. Australia waters are home to 45 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises.
  6. Hump back whales travel from the east coast of Australia from Antarctica.
  7. In warmer water they give birth to their young.
  8. The mother feeds her babies milk.


  1. Kia ora Imogen,
    Thank you for sharing such interesting information about whales.

  2. Very thorough research Immy!
