Monday, May 6, 2013

In outer space By Zephyr and Marvin

    In outer space By Zephyr and Marvin         

Once upon a time there was a alien named Snow Jumper. His favourite thing was snow jumping. He lives on the planet Pluto. He collects space stones. He has green skin and a BIG propeller for a tail. He can't stand  Earth's warmness. I like him ALOOOOT. THE END :-)

1 comment:

  1. Jacqui Watson (Jaimes mum)May 7, 2013 at 6:17 PM

    Your snow-jumping Alien friend is fascinating! I would love to meet him, we would have a cup of tea and swap stones, but sadly Pluto is far away and I get travel sick.

    Wonderful story boys, what excellent ideas! Your description makes him come alive.
